
Quick tip: Low calorie pudding / on the go snack

11. Juni 2017

So guys, I am sorry for not posting anything over the past couple of weeks, but I am about to have my last exams for this summer and currently all I am doing all day long is studying and treating myself with a good workout to keep my concentration going whilst sitting over my textbooks all day.

Also, after this exam session I am straight away going on a very exciting trip which will take me about a month, but once back in Switzerland I will make sure to get a detailed blogpost up here about my holidays and the places I will have been to.

For now, since summer finally is here (cheers to that), I am starting a new series of posts with „quick tips“. It’s basically a short blogpost containing either a summer tip, recipe, workout or something like that, for you to read very quickly! This also won’t take up as much time for me to write, so at least that way you’ll get some useful, tiny posts regularly.

So, this recipe is almost „too easy“ to share, but I thought it might be some kind of inspiration. I love pudding, since it also reminds me of my childhood. But preparing it the way you are said to, this dish isn’t really that healthy. So I am sharing with you how I turn this classic into a delicious low calorie dessert you can easily put into one of those jars and  you see below and then grab it (also perfectly on the go) whenever you feel like it!

Ingredients for 4 servings:
1 package of vanilla pudding powder
1 package of chocolate pudding powder
800 ml of plant based milk (I took Alpro Soja light  which is my favorite)
liquid sweetener
frozen berries (raspberries, cherries or blueberries)


1. Put some of the frozen berries on the bottom of your container
2. Mix 400 ml of the milk with the vanilla pudding powder, 100 ml of water and liquid sweetener
3. Prepare it following the directions on the back of the package (boil part of the milk etc. Important:Since the milk gets a little watery due to the fact that we saved some calories using water instead of milk, the pudding may not get sticky right away when you stir in the powder-milk-mixture. Just keep on stirring on the hot stove and only turn down the heat when the pudding starts to get firm)
4. Pour the vanilla pudding over the berries and distribute it evenly so that you get 4 servings
5. Mix 400 ml of milk with the chocolate passing powder, 100 ml of water and liquid sweetener
6. Proceed equal to the previous procedure
7. Let the pudding cool, put the lid on and store it in the fridge until consumption

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