It’a been a fairly long time since anything happened here on the blog.
So today, I want to write about something quite personal. About the way of receiving information, rating action of others and how to respond.
Ever since puberty and even prior, although I’ve always been an outgoing person, very ironic and carrying in humor to even serious situations to make them more bearable, I very often felt uncomfortable mixing with people.The flood of information, impressions and feelings made me feel lost and put me under a lot of pressure. In fact, it hasn’t been the informations themselves, but the thoughts that my brain connected to them. For example: I enter a room accompanied by somebody. Later on, I talk to that person about the moment we entered the room. Not seldom would he/she describe some things they saw or observed, and I would feel alone with my thoughts, cause I linked a hundred thoughts and deliberations to even the smallest thing, that the other person didn’t even mention. This leads to feeling lost, because I want explain my thoughts to my counterpart, but he/she does not in the least sense what I try to say. It’s like seeing a picture with hundreds of colors, vibrant and vivid (and so do I feel whilst looking at it), but the person next to me doesn’t show any emotional stir, just like a zero line. They seem to look at the picture and only see like ten colors. I want to explain my strong feelings, all the colors I see because it touches me, it moves me, makes me feel happy or sad, it DOES something to me. But the other one just cannot understand what I mean, cause they just don’t see the colors and can’t understand what it is, that moves me this much.

Its a feeling of restlessness, of turbulence, that eventually makes me feel exhausted and unmet.
Here are the things I learnt would help me cope with these feelings:
The greatest gift you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance .
Brian Tracey
Accepting the fact that not everyone feels the same way, shows feelings the same way, doesn’t attribute as much attention to things you find important as you do, being unbiased about this. Not feeling angry, happy or pitty for the person, but accepting. Not trying to change them or make you feel or see what you do, but connecting calm and positiv feeling with the fact of letting things be how they are. Becoming aware of the face that you can’t change certain things and also that you don’t have to. (By the way: Yoga is one of the most amazing ways to practice this).
Honesty is the best policy.
Benjamin Franklin
Talking about what makes you anxious or what you’re struggling with is a way of making your fellows know how you feel, although they don’t know. For all that they don’t discern what you do, you can tell them that the fact that they can’t makes you feel a certain way. Everyone will understand this and you don’t have to be alone with all those thoughts and feel misunderstood.

With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.
William Shakespeare
Even if you feel very alone with this situation, remember that most likely, although you feel as if you are, you are not. There are thousands of like-minded people out there, you just may not yet have been lucky enough to having found them.
In the mean time: Take a good laugh, filled with all of the emotions you sometimes aren’t able to express. Put them all together and laugh from the bottom of you heart whenever you get the chance to and you will see, that it almost feels as good as talking to someone who understands.
At this point I want to thank some very special persons in my life.Especially you, Diellza. Thanks for having my back and helping me in ways you will never understand.